Introduction. The development of microsurgical techniques has made it possible to successfully restore large bone defects of the forearm bones, but the methods currently available have disadvantages. The development of new original methods of vascularized plastic surgery of diaphyseal defects of both forearm bones is still relevant. Purpose – develop a new method of bone grafting of large bone defects of both forearm bones using a single vascularized divided bone flap of the fibula, which allows to reduce the duration and traumatic nature of the operation with good functional outcomes. Materials and methods. The study involved 5 patients (3 men and 2 women) with a major defect in both forearm bones. The average age of the patients was 40.6 years (from 10 to 64 years). The sizes of defects of both forearm bones ranged from 6 cm to 7 cm (on average, 7.2 cm). Results and discussion. In order to improve the technique, we have developed a new method of bone grafting of large bone defects of both forearm bones using a single vascularized divided bone flap of the fibula. Conclusion. The developed new method of bone grafting of large bone defects of both forearm bones using a single vascularized divided fibular bone flap allows to reduce the duration and traumatic nature of the operation with excellent and good functional outcomes. A patent for the invention was obtained (patent No. a 20130741) and two instructions for the method were developed (instructions for use. The registration number is 035-0515 and 036-0515.
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- Поступила 23.09.2021 г.