The article presents the results of a study of morphological predictors of aggressive behavior among students. The study involved 111 young men and 131 young women aged 18 to 22 years. The programme included anthropometry and psychological testing. Tanner index, finger index, body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio were calculated. Aggression was assessed using the Bass-Perry questionnaire and the aggression provocation questionnaire. As a result of the study, inter-sex differences in morphological and functional indicators and aggressiveness were clarified: according to the Tanner index, body mass index, and finger index, masculinity is more pronounced for males than females. Young men, in comparison with young women, have a significantly more masculine finger index and their assessment of physical and verbal aggression and the general index of aggression is more pronounced. In a situation of provocation, young women often use escape strategies, while young men use open aggression. It was found that the most significant phenotypic indicators of the risk of aggressive behavior in young women are increased body mass index (more than 26.68) and Tanner index (andromorphic body type). In young men, the masculine type of the finger index (2D: 4D value below 0.987) is a prognostic criterion for the manifestation of open aggression in a situation of provocation.
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- Поступила 08.07.2021 г.