The publication is devoted to the issues of acute poisoning in pediatric practice. 56 case histories of children hospitalized with diagnoses of acute mushroom and plant poisoning were analyzed. A survey of 50 parents was carried out using a questionnaire on the topic “Childhood poisoning”. The mechanisms of poisoning, the clinical picture, the treatment carried out have been studied. Most often poisoning was registered in children aged 1 to 5 years – 12 (21 %), 11–15 years old –29 (52 %). 33 (59 %) children needed treatment in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care. Typical clinical manifestations of poisoning were observed in 43 (77 %) children. In general, symptoms of gastrointestinal tract damage prevailed in the victims, and neurological disorders were observed in 50 % of plant poisonings. The method of anonymous questioning of parents established their attitude to ensuring the safety of children in matters of acute poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, berries, drugs and household chemicals. Based on the survey results, 26 % of respondents pay insufficient attention to the prevention of poisoning.
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- Поступила 02.07.2021 г.