The purpose of the work was to establish in a model experiment the allergenic activity and danger of the extracts obtained from the dust of dry products of cow's milk processing (DРMP), containing complexes of soluble whey (WMP) or casein milk proteins (CMP), as a stage of hygienic regulation of the content of dust DРMP in the air of the working area. Experiments on albino guinea pigs sensitized by the intradermal injection of standard doses of WMP and CМР solutions into the ear revealed the development of severe allergic reactions in the animals of the experimental groups with the prevalence of mixed mechanisms of immediate anaphylactic and delayed cell-mediated types. According to the criteria for the classification of industrial allergens, the WMP and CМР complexes have a strong allergenic activity and are differentiated to the 1-st class of allergenic hazard, which determines the classification of the DРMP dust containing them as extremely dangerous industrial allergens. Тhis is confirmed by the established high levels of indicators of allergic-diagnostic reactions in vivo and in vitro when testing sensitized WMP and CМР animals with a solution of skim milk powder dust, indicating the presence of antigenic determinants of whey and casein milk proteins in it and a real ability to form cross-allergic reactions in the body of workers to dust from all dry milk processing products containing these proteins.
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