In 2021, BSU celebrates its 100th anniversary, the flagship of the country's higher education, which is the source of medical education in Belarus. One of the founders of the Faculty of Medicine of the Belarusian State University and the Belarusian State Medical Institute was M. B. Krol Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Honored Scientist of the BSSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. In the memory of posterity, he remained not only as a scientist, clinician, but above all as a teacher, an effective manager of medical education. M. B. Krol is a complex and controversial figure in the national healthcare, whose years of vigorous activity coincided with a tragic and turning point in the history of the state. M. B. Krol was educated in the Russian Empire, he knew the organization of the scientific and medical process abroad. It was difficult for the scientist to accept the realities of the transitional revolutionary period, when established social values are changing. M. B. Krol was effectively integrated into the scientific and practical health care system of the USSR and left behind a significant legacy: the Belarusian State Medical Institute, the Department of Nervous Diseases. Scientific data, methods of treatment are undergoing changes and are subject to progress, but as a teacher and organizer of medical education, M. B. Krol looked far ahead and admired the understanding of the problems and the foresight of the situation, identified by M. B. Croll 100 years ago, which are still relevant and have not been fully resolved.
- Литература
- 1. Профессор М. Б. Кроль: [Некролог] // Клиническая медицина. – 1939. – № 17(9-10). – С. 123–124.
- 2. Марков, Д. А. Академик M. Б. Кроль: [Некролог] // Медицинский журнал БССР. – 1939. – № 10–11. – С. 142–143.
- 3. Академик Михаил Борисович Кроль: [Некролог] // Советская медицина. – 1939. – № 20. – С. 47.
- 4. Проппер-Гоащенков, H. И. М. Б. Кроль: [Некролог] // Вестник АН СССР. – 1939. – № 11. – С. 8–9.
- 5. Марков, Д. А., Инсаров И. A. M. Б. Кроль (1879–1939) // Здравоохранение Белоруссии. – 1972. – № 5. – С. 80.
- 6. Маркаў, Д. А. Кроль Mixаiл Барысавiч – савецкi вучоны ў галiне неўрапаталогii. – Мінск: БелСЭ, 1972. – Т. 6. – С. 114–115.
- 7. Змачинская, H. Ф., Мальковец М. В., Пересада A. H. Заведующие кафедрами и профессора Минского медицинского института (1921–1996): биографический справочник. – Минск: МГМИ, 1999. – 430 с.
- 8. Кроль Михаил Борисович. Белорусская ССР: Краткая энциклопедия. – Минск, 1982. – Т. 5. – С. 334.
- 9. Савенко, Ю. С. 60-летие Павловской сессии 1951 г. // Независимый психиатрический журнал. – 2011. – № 3. – С. 33–38.
- 10. Улащик, В. С. Михаил Борисович Кроль (1879–1939) // Здравоохранение. – 2014. – № 1. – С. 69–70.
- 11. Физиологическое учение академика И. П. Павлова в психиатрии и невропатологии. Материалы стенографического отчета объединенного заседания расширенного Президиума АМН СССР и пленума Правления Всесоюзного общества невропатологов и психиатров 11–15 октября 1951 г. – М.: Медгиз, 1952. – 469 с.
- References
- 1. Professor М. В. Krol: [Obituary] // Kliriicheskaya meditsina. – 1939. – № 17(9-10). – P. 123–4 (in Russian).
- 2. Markov, D. А. Academician М. В Krol: [Obituary] // Meditsinskiy zhurnal BSSR. – 1939. – № 10-11. – P. 142–3 (in Russian).
- 3. Academician Mikhail Borisovich Krol: [Obituary] // Sovetskaya meditsina. – 1939. – № 20. – P. 47 (in Russian).
- 4. Propper-Grashchenkov, N. I. М. В Krol: [Obituary] // Vestnik AN SSSR. – 1939. – № 11. – P. 8–9 (in Russian).
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- 9. Savenko, Ju. S. 60-letie Pavlovskoj sessii 1951 g. // Nezavisimyj psihiatricheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – № 3. – Р. 33–38 (in Russian).
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