Gingivitis is the most common disease of periodontal tissues in children. An experimental model of gingivitis is necessary to study the pathogenetic processes occurring in this disease, as well as to develop new dosage forms. Drugs based on phospholipase A are used to model gingivitis, its content in viper venom is 32–59.8 %. The aim of the work is to evaluate the clinical and morphological changes in the gum tissues in experimental gingivitis caused by the drug «Vipraxin». 20 animals were selected to simulate experimental gingivitis. They were injected once into the submucosal layer of the gum with the drug «Vipraxin», which is an aqueous solution (0,2 ml) of viper venom. All rats were biopsied for histological examination on the 6th day from the beginning of the experiment. Redness of the gingival margin, puffiness and smoothness of the contour were visually noted in all rats. Also bleeding was determined while probing. The histological preparations revealed disintegration of the cells of the spiny and granular layers of the epithelium, smoothness of the papillae of the connective tissue lamina proper, swelling and loosening of the fibrous structures, and vascular fullness. 3 groups of activity of the inflammatory process depending on the degree of severity of changes in the gum tissues: mild, moderate and severe. All clinical and morphological changes match to the inflammatory process in case of using the drug «Vipraxin». This drug can be used for modeling experimental gingivitis.
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