Annotation: suicide – can be considered as a reaction in a stressful situation. The decisive role in the development of the stress reaction belongs to the hypothalamichipophysealadrenal system. Materials and methods: the content of corticoliberin, adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol in the peripheral blood of persons who committed suicidal attempts. The comparison group (GC) consisted of persons who experienced stress, who had not previously committed. The presence of a statistical relationship between the study groups was tested using the nonparametric KruskalWallis test. Pairwise comparison of distributions by the MannWhitney test with Bonferroni correction for the level of significance. When identifying the relationship by nonparametric criteria, an additional oneway analysis of variance was performed, which makes it possible to compare the average values of the indicators. Results: in males, an increase in the hypothalamichipophysealadrenal system hormones is noted. Statistically significant differences in hormone cortisol were found between GC and the group of people who used highly lethal methods of selfharm and are based on the differences in the group of men over 40 years old. In females, no statistically significant differences were found between the groups.
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