The frequency of dentoalveolar anomalies and the need for orthodontic treatment were studied according to the IOTN index of 79 young people of both sexes aged 20–23 years. It was found that there is no statistically significant difference in the frequency of dentoalveolar anomalies among persons of both sexes. 95 % of the surveyed have any dentoalveolar anomalies: 51,9 % – malocclusion, 75,9 % – anomalies of the dentition, 84,8 % – anomalies of the teeth; high need for orthodontic treatment according to the dental component of the IOTN index was found in 6,3 % of the surveyed, the average degree – in 43,0 %, do not need orthodontic treatment 50,6 % of surveyed; according to the aesthetic component of the IOTN index do not need orthodontic treatment or need light intervention 100 % of the surveyed children.
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- 2. Richmond, S. Evaluating effective orthodontic care /S. Richmond. – FIRST Numerics Ltd, Cardiff Medicentre United Kingdom. – 2014. – 84 p. References 1. Proffit, U. Modern orthodontics: trans. from English /U. F. Proffit; pod red. L. S. Persina. – M.: MEDpressinform, 2015. – 560 s. 2. Richmond, S. Evaluating effective orthodontic care /S. Richmond // FIRST Numerics Ltd, Cardiff Medicentre United Kingdom. – 2014. – 84 p.