Social samples of suicidality in childhood and teenage years are studied in the exemplary cohort of solid set of hospital cases (01.01.2018 – 01.01.2020). The selection of the research consisted of 186 suicide attempts cases: 58 committed by males (average 17,0 ± 0,15 age) and 128 committed by females (average 16,1 ± 0,11 age; p < 0,001). It is found that age of 16–18 is significantly associated with suicidal behavior among males (RR = 1,3: 87,9 % to 68,8 % cases of self-attempts among females; p < 0,01), secondary (vocational) education (RR = 1,6: 56,9 % to 35,9 %; p < 0,01), employed adolescent (RR = 4,4: 13,8 % to 3,1 %; p < 0,01), primary self-attempt (RR = 1,4: 67,2 % to 47,7 %; p < 0,01); age of 16 among females (RR = 2,6: 31,3 % to 12,1 % cases of self-attempts among males; p < 0,01), incomplete secondary education (RR = 1,5: 64,1 % to 43,1 %; p < 0,01), high school student (RR = 2,0: 57,0 9 % to 29,3 %; P < 0,001), living in a deformed parental family (RR = 2,3: 28,1 % to 12,1 %; p < 0,05), repeated self-attempt (RR = 1,6: 53,3 % to 32,8 %; p < 0,01).
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