Introduction. Intensive individual growth of schoolchildren is determined by the reactions of the hereditary factors to concrete conditions of their environment. At the present time, there are multidirectional tendencies of the variability of somatometric parameters in different countries of the world. Objectives. The subjects of the study were schoolchildren (1693 boys and 1757 girls) aged 7–17 of comprehensive secondary schools of the city of Gomel. The materials of the study were compared with the corresponding literary data obtained during the examination of 868 schoolchildren of the city of Moscow in the years of 2005, 2008–2009. Methods. The study measured body weight and thickness of skin-fat folds on the back surface of the shoulder, thigh, under the shoulder-blade and on the abdomen. Results. The study has found statistically considerable differences in the parameters of body weight in the Gomel and Moscow boys. There is a general tendency of negative dynamics for subcutaneuos adipopexis in the Gomel boys and positive one – in the Gomel girls at puberty (at the age of 11–15). Besides, the girls revealed decreased adipopexis at the beginning (10–11 years) and at the end (14–15 years) of puberty. The study has showed that the parameters of the thickness of the skin-fat folds of the Gomel schoolchildren is statistically considerably higher than that of their Moscow peers. Conclusion. The study has established the influence of the urbanization level on the parameters of body weight and subcutaneuos adipopexis in the schoolchildren.
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