Introduction. The occlusal surfaces of the first permanent molars are in high risk of caries development. It is recommended to use fluoride-containing varnishes and fissure sealants for prevention and treatment of initial caries on occlusal surfaces. Purpose. To study the preferences of dentists and dental paramedics in the Belarus in the choice of means and methods of occlusal caries prevention in children. Materials and methods. We developed a questionnaire including 8 questions with the suggested answers for selection. The questionnaire was filled out by 74 specialists (11 dental paramedics (14.9 %) and 63 dentists (85.1 %)) with various work experience who are working in state dental clinics. Results. The majority of respondents (n = 61; 82.4 ± 4.4 %) consider the sealing more effective for the prevention of fissure caries in comparison with applications of fluoride-containing varnish. Only 23 (31.1 ± 5.4 %) of respondents applied fissure sealing daily. Also we found out that respondents statistically significantly more often (html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-967-end2 = 40.1; p < 0.001) used glass ionomer cement (n = 55; 76.0 ± 5.0 %) than Bis-GMA-based sealants (n = 17; 24.0 ± 5.0 %) for fissure sealing in first permanent molars. Outcomes. It is necessary to increase the motivation of dentists and dental paramedics for the differentiated use of preventive schemes according to risk of fissure caries in permanent molars in children.
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