25 preterm infants with extremely low body weight (500–999 g) and 29 babies with very low body weight at birth (1000–1499 g) were examined. In the dynamics of the first year of life in infants having an extremely low and very low body weight at birth, signs of immaturity of the brain structures were observed, which persisted up to 3 months of post-conceptual age; periventricular hemorrhages in the stage of lysis of the 1st-2nd degree; expansion of the lateral ventricles and the anterior subarachnoid space; corpus callosum dysgenesis; periventricular leukomalacia with signs of cystic transformation and multi-chamber cysts. Correlation between structural changes in the brain substance and cerebrospinal fluid space and the level of immunocompetent cells in infants (p < 0.05) were revealed. Relationships between structural changes in the brain matter and cerebrospinal fluid space and the level of markers of activated T and B lymphocytes, natural killer (HLA-DR) in infants with extremely low birth weight (p < 0.05), indicates autoimmune reactions in brain cells and confirms an immune-mediated damage to the nervous system.
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