There are studied clinical suicidological samples of suicidality in childhood and teenage years. The selection of the research consisted of 186 suicide attempts cases: 58 committed by males and 128 committed by females. It is found that in childhood and teenage years usage of alcohol with harmful consequences is significantly associated with suicidal behavior among males (RR = 7,1: 3,9–27,6 %; p < 0,001), alcohol intoxication when committing self-attempt at the age of 16–18 (RR = 3,1: 16,4–50,0 %; p < 0,001), brutal ways of self-attempts (by jumping out from a height, hanging, falling under a moving object – cumulative RR = 5,3: 3,9–20,7 %; p < 0,001), situational reason of selfattempt (RR = 1,3: 7,4–9,6 % cases of high situational anxiety; p > 0,05); among females there are disorders of personality, behavior and emotions (RR = 3,6: 8,6–31,3 %; p < 0,001), alcohol intoxication when committing self-attempt at the age under 16 (RR = 1,4: 5,2–7,0 %; p > 0,05), hereditary psychopathological burden (RR = 1,7: 34,5–58,6 %; p < 0,01), protest self-attempts (selfpoisoning by medical and toxic drugs of agrochemistry; self-damage by sharp objects – cumulative RR = 1,2: 75,8–92,2 %; p < 0,01), personal reason of self-attempt (RR = 2,0: 23,1–45,5 % cases of high personal anxiety; p < 0,01).
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