We studied the psychological characteristics of patients with neurotic disorders and consumers of synthetic cathinones compared with healthy subjects. A total of 132 subjects were examined. The control group (CG) consisted of 50 people, the group of patients with neurotic disorders (MG1) – 52 people and the group of consumers of cathinones (MG2) – 30 people. In study were used the following scales: 5PFQ Big Five personality questionnaire; questionnaire «Stiles of coping behavior» (R. Lazarus); Toronto Alexithymic Scale TAS-26; Beck Depression Scale. It was found that patients with neurotic disorders and consumers of cathinones have common psychopathological features, which are significantly more pronounced than in mentally healthy subjects. The indicators of the groups are given in the following order: CG, OG1, OG2, – the values of tension and raw points of the corresponding questionnaires: neuroticism (47.8 (95 % CI: 45.4–50.1); 58.1 (95 % CI: 55 , 7–60.4); 52.9 (95 % CI: 50.2–55.5)), impulsivity (9.6 (95 % CI: 8.9–10.3); 11.2 (95 % CI: 10.5–11.9); 11.1 (95 % CI: 10.3–12.0)), avoidance (44.0 (95 % CI: 40.7–47.452.0 (95 %) CI: 48.0–56.1); 64.3 (95 % CI: 61.3–67.4)), alexithymia (58.9 (95 % CI: 57.0–60.9); 67, 7 (95 % CI: 65.5–69.9); 67.7 (95 % CI: 65.5–69.9)) and depression (5.8 (95 % CI: 4.7–7.0) ); 13.3 (95 % CI: 10.5–16.0); 21.9 (95 % CI: 18.9–25.0)). This confirms the suggestion about similar pathogenetic mechanisms of neurotic and addictive disorders and defines further directions for the development of preventive and rehabilitation measures.
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