The development of vasomotor rhinitis during gestation is based on changes in the hormonal status of pregnant women. According to some literature data, vasomotor rhinitis develops in 5–32 % of pregnant women [1–3], according to others – in every second or fifth woman during gestation [4, 6]. This pathology is manifested by a triad of symptoms: nasal obstruction, clear rhinorrhea, and sneezing [4]. Most often, its first signs appear at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, and may persist and worsen throughout pregnancy [5]. A long course of vasomotor rhinitis leads to a violation of the functions of the nasal mucosa, which can lead to the emergence of prerequisites for the development of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the development of complications of acute inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Developing nasal obstruction in vasomotor rhinitis, the development of an inflammatory process, due to a violation of the function of the nasal mucosa, can pose a threat to the normal development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Meanwhile, the functional state of the nasal mucosa in vasomotor rhinitis in pregnant women changing with the growth of gestation is not fully studied.
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