In present study we analyzed the incidence of thyroid cancer in the districts of the Brest region over a 30-year period after the Chernobyl accident, in which in April 1986 the population received doses to the thyroid gland due to the incorporation of I-131. As a comparison, the incidence this pathology in the Lepel district of the Vitebsk region, which was not contaminated with iodine isotopes. According to the cancer registry, in the Stolin and Luninets districts of the Brest region was 235 cases of thyroid cancer. The peaks incidence in the Brest region were 12 and 30 years after exposure. In contrast to this, in the “clean” region of Belarus, in the Vitebsk region, one peak of incidence was clearly distinguished with a latency period of about 15 years. Among the residents of the Brest region, a group of patients stands out who were from 40 to 50 years old at the time of diagnosis. That is, this group received exposure to the thyroid gland due to I-131 at the age of 10–20 years. In contrast, in nonirradiated people living in the Vitebsk region, the diagnosis of cancer was detected much later, at the age of about 60 years. The cumulative incidence in the Stolin and Luninets districts of the Brest region was approximately two times higher than in the “clean” Lepel district of the Vitebsk region. The data obtained show that further analysis of morbidity should be carried out in comparison with radiation exposure, i. e. when taking into account the doses to the thyroid gland in the study cohort.
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