An increase in the incidence of infectious mononucleosis is noted worldwide. The relevance of the problem is also due to the difficulties of diagnosis, and the diversity of the clinical picture, and the lack of etiotropic therapy and prevention systems. The aim of our research was to study the territorial patterns of the spread of infectious mononucleosis in the Republic of Belarus in 2018. We found that almost half (43,4 %) of the republic’s territories have a low incidence rate. In some territories (22,5 %) average morbidity levels were observed, while high and very high morbidity levels were recorded in 8,5 % and 4,7 % of territories. However there were territories, in which cases of the disease were not recorded (20,9 %). Territories with low incidence rates and «zero» territories were mainly grouped in the eastern part of the republic. And territories with high and very high levels were spread diffusely. Low and «zero» incidence rates were recorded mainly in areas with low population and population density. Average incidence rates were recorded in areas with an average population, but with a low population density. High incidence rates are observed in territories with low population and population density. Very high rates were in cities with very high numbers and densities.
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