The study deals with the manifestations of the epidemic process of rotavirus infection in the Republic of Belarus. The incidence of rotavirus infection in the Republic of Belarus ranges from 4,24 in 1994 to 66,17 per 100 000 population in 2017 during the period of 1994–2019. Long-term dynamics of incidence is characterized by the expressed tendency to increase – the average growth rate is +7,07 %. The annual and long-term incidence of rotavirus infection in Minsk determined the totally morbidity rate in Belarus and accounted for 48,67 ± 0,86 %. The group of children aged 0–2 years was involved in the epidemic process of rotavirus infection in Minsk making up totally 69,03 ± 1,13 % and 68,79 ± 0,78 % in Belarus. The group of children aged 3–6 years take second position in the annual incidence in Minsk making up 22,83 ± 1,02 % and 21,55 ± 0,70 % in Belarus. The group of children aged 7–14 years making up 5,77 ± 0,57 %in Minsk and 4,61 ± 0,36 % in Belarus; over 15 years old – 2,36 ± 0,37 % and 4,96 ± 0,37 %.
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