Sensorineural hearing loss is one of the urgent problems of otorhinolaryngology in the medical and social aspects. The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of hearing and speech rehabilitation using the method of cochlear implantation (CI) in 274 pediatric patients diagnosed with Bilateral chronic neurosensory hearing loss severe and deaf. Analysis of the effectiveness of hearing-speech rehabilitation of children after CI by age groups was carried out according to the level of the patient’s speech development, the opportunity to receive education under the program of mass pre-school and school educational institutions, and social adaptation of the child in society. The results of rehabilitation after the surgical stage of CI using the method developed by the RSPC for Otorhinolaryngology are slightly better than the standard, but they have no statistical significance, which confirms the decisive role of the stage of postoperative hearing-speech rehabilitation in achieving the goal of using CI. The most important influence on the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures is the timing of the detection of hearing impairment and the implementation of surgical intervention. The earlier the surgical intervention is performed, the smaller the percentage of children is the likelihood of an unsatisfactory result of hearing-speech rehabilitation. The proportions of patients with unsatis-factory rehabilitation results in different age groups differ statistically significantly (p = 0.015) when comparing the three groups. The highest percentage (18.4 %) of unsatisfactory results is observed in the age group from 2 to 7 years old compared with a group of children under 2 years old (p = 0.010). The differences in the results of gender-based rehabilitation are statistically significant (p = 0.016): 19.4 % (34 of 175) patients had an unsatisfactory result among boys, 9.2 % (13 of 142) among girls, and the distribution of boys and girls by age does not differ (p = 0.27. Among the villagers there is a statistically significantly higher percentage of patients with an unsatisfactory rehabilitation result (p = 0.017): 25.9 % compared to 12.2 % among urban residents.
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