Influence of the different ways of the human voice sounds eliciting on the arterial blood oxyhemoglobin level has been investigated. The aim of the work was to choose the most effective way of deep-throat sounds eliciting for application in some situations of the therapeutic practice and training classes in artvaleology. Six experimental series have been conducted with participation of 56 volunteers. Hemoglobin oxygenation has been determined by “Oximed R” pulse oximeter, model ОЗВ-55А. The device sensor was attached to the first phalanx of the index finger. It has been established that singing as well as certain types of groaning sounds produce the elevation of the arterial blood oxyhemoglobin level. This increase was especially significant in individuals having lower initial resting values of hemoglobin oxygenation. The effect of the external sounds on the lungs or larynx area did not cause any significant changes in the hemoglobin oxygenation level. Possible ways of singing and groaning influence on the hemoglobin saturation are considered. A number of the therapeutic effects of singing mentioned in the literature [1,2,3,5] are supposed to be caused to a large extent by the increased oxygen delivery to tissues. We came to the conclusion that singing and uttering the groaning sounds can be rationally applied as therapeutic measures aimed at decreasing hypoxic states unfavorable consequences.
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