A prospective, cohort study included 46 children aged 2,1 (1,5; 4,1) years who had post-diarrhea hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) for the period 2013–2017. In 98 % of cases, vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency (93 % and 5 %, respectively) were revealed in HUS onset with a median level 8,4 (5,4; 15,2) ng/ml. There is a significant difference in the levels of blood 25(OH)D depending on the severity of HUS (p = 0,004). 10 children on dialysis therapy received treatment with cholecalciferol (Vit. D3): 9 – 6000 IU and 1 – 4000 IU per day for 20 days. In this group, a moresubstantial increase in blood 25 (OH) D was achieved in comparison with patients on dialysis and without Vit. D3 (from 7,5 (5,5; 9,4) to 35,9 (25,2; 47,1) (p = 0,005) and from 7,0 (3,0; 12,7) to 12,5 (7,4; 16,2) ng/ml (p = 0,006)). No effects of therapy Vit. D3 for the duration of anuria duration (early outcome), but a positive correlation was established with an unfavorable long-term outcome (rs = 0,35, p < 0,05)).
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