Based on the results of a retrospective analysis of medical records of 1644 patients with burns, it was found that the risk of burn injuries is associated with a number of socially significant factors in household and industrial conditions. The vast majority of patients (81.2 %) received burns with hot liquid in the kitchen; flames – in residential areas (46.6 %) and beyond (54.9 %); solid hot objects-in residential areas (27.5 %); electric shock and chemicals - when performing professional duties in the production environment, ultraviolet rays – outside of residential and industrial premises. In General, of the hospitalized patients, almost 2/3 (68.9 %) received a burn at home, including 755 people (45.9 %) – in the home kitchen; every 4th (25.2 %)-outside of residential premises (in nature, in a garage, etc.). The share of victims in the performance of professional duties accounted for 5.8 %.
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