The article is devoted to the problem of the attitude of students to patients with tuberculosis. We conducted an anonymous correspondence survey of 100 respondents, among which there were 50 % of students of the medical faculty and 50 % of the students of the faculty of foreign students. It was shown that only 7 % of students indicated in the questionnaires a negative attitude towards patients with tuberculosis, at the same time only one out of every three respondents expressed sympathy, and students more often showed compassion and willingness to help. Stigma is hidden and manifests itself mainly when the personal interests of respondents are affected. The majority of students (72 %) indicated a reluctance to live in the same area as people who had tuberculosis due to an asocial lifestyle. Foreign students are more often worried about the fear of getting sick and image damage from tuberculosis, they often prefer to hide the disease in order not to lose the respect of others, while Belarusian students are more often sure that their relatives and friends will support them in the case of illness. In addition, foreign students more often spoke out against state aid to “asocial elements”.
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