The rupture of the distal biceps tendon is arelatively uncommon lesion. Even if conservative treatment may be an option in low demanding patients, young and active subjects may benefit from an early surgical reinsertion. Many techniques and fixation devices have been described, but in the literature, there are no clinical evidences that show the superiority of any of these. In this article, we report an analysis of our case series of surgical reinsertion with the anterior approach transosseous technique. All patients were male, with no significant differences in the mean age (р = 0,57) mean height (р = 0,7) mean weight (р = 0,5), percentages of dominant hands. There were significantly less time of surgery (Р = 0,00001) and the size of the incision (Р = 0,00001). Patients from both surgical groups were satisfied with their post-operative function and had similar functional outcomes and complication rates. But the terms of immobilization and recover have been substantially reduced in the patients treated with the novel technique.
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