Hypoxia can be considered as a universal pathogenetic mechanism that accompanies most complications and pathological conditions associated with pregnancy. Fetal hypoxia is one of the most common complications of pregnancy in obesity. There is a direct relationship between the degree of hypoxia and the condition of the fetus. One of the contributing factors can be respiratory and cardiac dysfunction, when physiological changes in the respiratory and circulatory systems associated with pregnancy against the background of obesity can become pathological and lead to impaired external respiration and the gas transport function of the blood. The article studies the effect of latent pulmo-cardial dysfunction on the fetus in abdominal and gluteofemoral types of obesity in pregnant women. For the assessment of fetal hypoxia, the reserve capacity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, both classical diagnostic methods (fetal ultrasound data, CTG, non-stress test), and the modified Shtange test were used. The significance of the method of pulsoximetry and easily reproducible functional tests with breath-holding and physical activity for studying the functioning disorders of the cardio-respiratory system of pregnant women suffering from obesity is shown. It was established that the signs of chronic hypoxia of the fetus were significantly more frequently observed in the abdominal type of fat deposition.
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