The work raises issues of providing medical care to patients with acute poisoning by alcohol substitutes: methanol and ethylene glycol. The mechanisms of the development of the toxic effect of alcohols are considered, the clinic of poisoning is described in detail, methods of treatment, detoxification, and antidote therapy are given. A special place is given to the method of laboratory determination of methanol and ethylene glycol in the blood and urine. The effectiveness of hemodialysis in the intensive treatment of acute poisoning with methanol and ethylene glycol was evaluated. A high efficacy of early hemodialysis in the first 4-6 hours of acute alcohol poisoning has been established, provided that the venom is adequately removed from the gastrointestinal tract. Late onset of hemodialysis in patients in the somatogenic phase of poisoning does not give due therapeutic effect, which is associated with irreversible changes in the body.
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