The article discusses the experience of using ultrasound visualization with axillary brachial plexus block, in comparison with the “classical” method (search for nerves by paresthesias). This study involved 90 patients who were randomly assigned to one of two groups: in group I (n = 43), the axillary block was performed according to the “classical” method; in group II (n = 47), the nerves were identified under control of ultrasound imaging. Anesthesia was performed with a 1.5 % lidocaine solution with the addition of adrenaline in a ratio of 1: 200,000. In group II, it was necessary to perform one injection of the skin and spend less time and anesthetic volume to achieve the required sensory block, compared with group I. The effectiveness of the blockade in patients II the group was higher and the percentage of complications, including unintended vascular puncture, was lower than in group I. Thus, the technique of ultrasound visualization of nerves has several advantages compared with the “classical” method, which allows improving the quality of anesthesia and must be actively implemented in regional anesthesia.
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