Determination of sources and quantitative characteristics of human thymus vessels is relevant due to its position on the path of surgical access to the mediastinal organs. Establishing the dynamics of changes in the morphometric characteristics of thymic vessels is important for understanding the stages and peculiarities of organ development. The article presents topographic, quantitative and morphometric features of human thymic vessels (arteries, veins). Fifty-three complexes of mediastinal organs of people aged 0 to 80 who died from the causes unrelated to the pathology of thymus were used to study. The number, topography and sources of blood supply of thymus were studied by macro-microscopic and morphometric methods. The frequency of thymus vessels from different sources was determined, the diameter of the thymic extraorganic arteries and veins were measured. The relationship between changes in the morphometric parameters of the extraorganic thymus vessels and the development of thymus lobes during postnatal ontogenesis were established.
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