In the past 2 decades, our facility has tried to improve the efficacy of the diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). At first our 24-hours ph–metry monitoring has proven to be an effective method in measuring gastric acid secretion to aid the diagnosis and treatment of GERD. In addition the use 24-hours intragastric ph– metry was effective in the assessment of response to acid suppression therapy in patients with peptic ulcer disease (PUD) and other acid-ralated diseases. We closely monitored patients previously diagnosed with recurrent PUD using 24-hours intragastric pH-metry and adjusted antisecretory therapy accordingly, this allowed the reduction in hospital length of stay by 2,1 days compared to previous hospital record. In our previous studies 24–hours pH monitoring showed that nocturnal acid breakthrough accured in 52% of patients on PPI therapy, and was registered in patients with GERD (68%), PUD (28%). In 2016 our facility introduced the 24-hour esophageal multichannel intraluminal pH-impedance monitoring (MII-pH) to detect all types of reflux regardless of its pH value (acid, weakly acidic or weakly alkaline), and detect physical properties (liquid, mixed, gas), along with the height of reflux episode. MII-pH is currently considered the gold standard in the diagnosis of GERD. Using MII-pH was an essential technique in the diagnosis and assessment of treatment response in GERD which proved that Non-acid reflux episodes predispose to non-erosive reflux disease. Furthermore the severity of esophageal lesions was associated with acid reflux episodes and proximal reflux episodes.
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