Abdominal surgical sepsis is characterized by a significant number of episodes in case of recorded steady growth and a high mortality rate. The morphological, structural and histochemical changes in the liver tissues at different stages of abdominal sepsis were assessed in 52 experimental animals.The following stage related inflammatory infiltrative changes (hyperemia and edema of interstitial tissue and Disse spaces, hydropic and fatty degeneration of hepatocytes, lymphoid-neutrophil infiltration of portal tracts and intra-lobular stroma) and degenerative-dystrophic necrobiotic disorders (cariopicosis and cariolysis of the cell nuclei, foci of hepatocyte necrosis of the colliquation type, cytoplasmic inclusions of hyaline-like masses, fragmentation of reticular fibers, PNK and glicogen investigation data) underlying the experimental hepatoprive syndrome were identified.
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