The article presents the results of work on the identification and formation of risk groups for the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. In order to determine the impact of harmful and hazardous production factors on prevention, two groups of workers were formed: a clinical observation group (hereinafter referred to as COG) - workers employed in underground working conditions and a comparison group (hereinafter referred to as CG) - workers not working in underground working conditions. When analyzing the preventions, no significant differences in the mean multiyear duration of one case of the disease between COG and GS were not found (p = 0.413). At the same time, the average number of prevention for the study period and the number of cases of VN in the CG were significantly more than in COG (p <0.001). The predominant pathology in the structure of the incidence of the two groups were diseases of the respiratory organs, trauma, diseases of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. The proportion of prevention in workers with length of service (in the workforce groups of 21-25 years and more than 25 years) significantly increases in the OCS compared to the same period in the CG (10.1%; 17.9% and 6.5%; 8 , 7% respectively). It is also worth noting that for CG workers with a work experience of “1-5 years” there are high levels of morbidity with HH.
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