In food allergy (FA), the most frequently observed damage of a combined nature is in the form of combined immunodeficiency states (IDS): T-lymphocyte deficiency with a predominance of Thl deficiency, dysgammaglobulinemia, phagocytic depression with digestive disturbance and suppression of neutrophil chemotaxis, a cytokine profile, and a profile profile. IL-4, IL-5. allergic factors play an important role in the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases. It was established that in the phase of recurrence of gastroduodenal pathology a high level of specific IgE antibodies to food antigens (AG) was detected. Microbial decarboxylation of dietary histidine increases the amount of histamine in the body, in addition, the damaged mucous membrane of the small intestine produces less histaminase. This creates the conditions for the development of allergic reactions in violation of the intestinal biocenosis.The proportion of positive results of Ig-tests in patients with FA in the group as a whole among all patients with allergopathology was 8,8%. The first place among food allergens was occupied by oats (13,3%), the second – by rice (12,5%), the third – by cod – 9,1%.A retrospective cohort study of immunological parameters of 58 patients with FA and47 patients of the comparison group without increased sensitivity to food was performed. Patients with FA showed a statistically significant decrease in serum relative amount of T-helper, absolute and relative number of T-lymphocytes active and B-lymphocytes (p <0,05), which indicates the development of damage in them in the form of a combined immunodeficiency state.This must be considered when examining patients with FA and choosing the tactics of complex therapeutic effects.
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