A comparative analysis of the properties of ready-made sodium hypochlorite solutions was carried out. The pH of the solutions, the mass fraction of active chlorine, the density, the presence and nature of the precipitate of the prepared solutions of sodium hypochlorite were determined in this study: "Hypochloran" (3.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, "Omega Dent", Russia), "Belodez" (3% solution sodium hypochlorite, "VladMiva", Russia), "Parcan" (3% sodium hypochlorite solution, "Septodont", France), "Denticeptin" (3% sodium hypochlorite solution, "Belaseptica" CJSC, Republic of Belarus). The stability of the "Dentiseptin" for long-term storage (27 months) was also investigated. The pH of the agent "Dentiseptin" and "Parcan" was within the normal range (unit pH 10.0-12.0). The pH of the "Belodez" and "Hypochloran" solutions exceeded the norm (pH 13.21±0.09 and 13.18±0.08, respectively). The greatest value of the mass fraction of active chlorine was found in the "Denticeptin" agent and was 3.78 ± 0.08% in the fresh solution. The density indices of all the sodium hypochlorite solutions studied were within the normal range (1.120-1.180 g/cm3). The most pronounced heavy sediment with flakes had a solution of "Belodez". In solutions "Hypochloran" and "Parcan" there was a slight crystalline precipitate, only with the "Dentiseptin" preparation sediment was not detected. The active chlorine content of "Dentiseptin" at the end of the shelf life (2 years) decreased by 21%, but remained within the norm (2.87 ± 0.07%). "Dentiseptin" in its physicochemical properties is not inferior to foreign analogues and can find its adequate reflection in solving the problem of drug therapy of infected root canals.
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