Analysis of surgical treatment of 437 patients with arteriosclerosis obliterans of lower limb arteries complicated with critical ischemia was performed. Postoperative period was complicated with wound infection or residual limb soft tissue necrosis in 91 (20,8%). Following thorough analysis of the suppurative and necrotic complications causes it was determined that their rate significantly depended on patient’s age, gender, type of necrosis, disease duration, medical vasoactive therapy schedule and comorbidities. Risk factors determined should be useful for targeted protocol of postoperative complications prevention.Knowledge of risk factors allows to develop the specific program of depression of quantity is purulent - necrotic complications at this category of patients which has to include a right choice of level of ablation, careful attitude to tissues, a careful hemostasis and an adequate drainage of a wound, anticoagulating, antibacterial and disintoxication therapy, and also correction of the accompanying pathology in to - and postoperative the periods.
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