Verification of the diagnosis in the neonatal period is a big problem for neonatologists. Diagnostic searching involved neurologists, surgeons, infectious disease specialists and other doctors. To establish the nature of the pathology used laboratory tests and instrumental examinations. Searching for a predictor of infectious and noninfectious inflammation is a very important task [11]. The subject of our observations were 76 newborns with infection (fetal infection) and noninfectious diseases (post hypoxic syndrome, isoimmunisation ABO-system and Rh-factor, intrauterine growth retardation). Presepsin was determined on the 1st day of life and then on the 3rd-5th days of life. In most cases, we found that presepsin increases not only in the infectious diseases, but also in isoimmunization and hypoxia. The obtained data is the information for further diagnostic searching.
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