Magnetic resonance cholangiograms of 110 patients aged 18 to 76 years without pathology of the biliary system were examined. The main variants of formation of the common hepatic and common bile ducts were determined. The most rare variants of the formation of the common bile duct are posterior or anterior bending of the common hepatic duct by cystic duct (0,91% and 1,82% of cases, respectively); high (1,82%) or low (1,82%) location of confluence with cystic duct; parallel course of the two ducts and their subsequent confluence at an acute angle (3,64%). The normal range of diameter of the common bile duct for studies by magnetic resonance cholangiography in the population of people without symptoms of diseases of the biliary tract was determined, calculated diagnostically significant (threshold) diameter of the common bile duct. A positive correlation of the diameter of the common bile duct with the patient's age was established.
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