The aim of the study was to Determine the influence of Hermeticism system edemometry on its performance.In 40 healthy young subjects (20-30 years) the influence of hermeticism of the measurement system on edemometrical indicators. In the first and second groups were determined by initial microvascular pressure phases edemometry and compared it with similar indicators after depressurization system edemometry. In the third and fourth groups of studies have examined indicators of edemometry at drainage space between the flattened fabrics and the jaws of edemometer to prevent hermetic in the system. These data were evaluated from the position of influence of the hermetic system of edemometry on its performance. They allowed to determine the value of hermeticism system reliability edemometrical indicators. It is established that the hermetic system of edemometry is an integral part of the method, it affects the level edemometrical performance and on their reliability. Moreover, such influence is more pronounced at the beginning of edemometry and decreases to the end of the study.The influence of the hermetic system of measurement indicators of edemometry. Revealed additional mechanisms (hermetic) method of edemometry.
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