The research was performed on 35 Wistar rats for 30 days to examine the effect nanosized silica suspension, which was used as enterosorbent, on the functioning of nitric oxide cycle in rat’s gastric mucosa under combined nitrate and fluoride intoxication. To assess the performance of the nitric oxide cycle total activities of NO-synthases, arginases, nitrate-nitrite reductases were determined, the concentration of nitrite and peroxynitrite was also measured. It has been established that the suspension of nanosized silica reduces the total NO-synthases activity by 13.8 %, the nitrite reductases by 34.7 %, the nitrate reductases by 35.3 %. Total arginases activity was reduced by 38.6 %. Thus, the suspension of nanosized silica proved to be effective in the correction of changes in the functioning of nitric oxide cycle under combined nitrate-fluoride intoxication.
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