The author has estimated the expected effective dose to population, residing in the neighborhood of the area of nuclear power plant (NPP), equipped with the reactor of pressurized water type (PWR). The assessments were based on the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) calculation methodology and the assumption of the reactor operation regular mode. Calculations covered data on noble gases, iodine, cobalt and cesium. According to our findings, total effective dose for 100 years operated period of NPP is to be about 0,061 µSv. The essential proportion of the total dose in the air is to be generated by the inert gases (xenon-135 and xenon-135). The bulk of internal dose is to be formed by Co-60. The integrated values of the expected total doses, public doses within 5-km zone specifically, are estimated as extremely low. These doses are expected to be much lower compared to those established by the regulations (100 µSv per year). The outcomes of the calculations give grounds to assert on the absence of necessity to develop any special protective measures within all period of NPP operation.
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