In article the detailed morphological characteristic of a small papilla, as relief formation of a mucosa of a duodenum is presented. As a result of the macroscopical analysis its two forms are evolved: конусовидная and hemispherical. It is positioned that the small papilla конусовидной forms meets at women, and hemispherical – at men is more often. In frequency of registration of a small papilla without its form of sexual and age distinctions does not exist. The height of a small papilla of both forms within each investigated bunch is identical, but newborns have less, than at adult individuals. The most constant formation of a mucosa of the duodenum, in the field of a small papilla, «the parapapillary» fold which is registered only at adult persons is settling down. Thus it above a papilla and always covers its mouth, carrying out that its mechanical protection. Frequency of detection of a «parapapillary» fold does not depend on the form of a small papilla and a sex of the individual.
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