In the last decade has increased dramatically interest dentists – practitioners to new technologies and filling materials, as modern composite materials and adhesive systems allow clinicians to achieve positive results in different clinical situations. Among the filling materials is not absolutely perfect, which could be applied equally well to filling cavities of all classes in the teeth of different group membership. The most effective materials for the restoration of deciduous teeth are glass ionomer cements, composites and compomers. The criterion for selection of the restorative material in children’s dental practice is the simplicity, versatility, safety at work, as well as kariesprofilaktichesky effect. The study of clinical efficacy colored compomer material «Twinky Star» for the treatment of temporary teeth in children with different levels of anxiety to dental intervention found that the material helps tailor a child adapts to dental manipulation, has good adhesion, sufficient strength, good mineralizing effect and. convenient, easy to use and durable.
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