The results of experimental researches of 30 white outbred rats with subtotal brain ischemia following bilateral ovariectomy were injected respiratory substrates – succinate and L-malate/L-glutamate. We revealed impairment of the respiratory function in rat brain mitochondria by registering the changes in mitochondrial oxygen consumption values: the speed of succinate and L-malate/L-glutamate – dependent endogenous (basal) respiration (V1), reduced by, to 49,3 %, p < 0,001 and 48,5 %, p < 0,001, respectively, the speed of substrate-dependent respiration (V2) and dual phosphorylation (V3) dropped 1,7 and 1,2 times, p<0,05, respectively, along with a reduction after making only L-malate/L-glutamate in the rate of respiration after consuming the included ADF (V4) by 35,3 %. Simultaneously, we observed a deterioration of the morphological properties of the blood vessel endothelium, characterized by the increase in 2 times (p < 0,05) in the number of endothelial cells, indicating desquamation of the endothelial lining
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