The motivational variants of suicidality were studied in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders with different types if suicidal behavior (single or repetitive suicidal acts). It was shown that patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders have high incidence of psychological attitude “self-punishment” or “refusal” (both accounting for 35,6–47,4% cases) and motivation “intention to die” (32,2–39,5% cases) in crisis situation. Important suicidal motives strongly associated with chronization of suicidal behavior (risk is 1,2–2,3 higher compared to single suicide cases) are awareness of mental disorder (25,4–57,9% cases) and related difficulties in relationship with parents and children (both accounting for 33,9–39,5% cases) as well as vital sense of loneliness (23,7–28,8%).
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