In experiments on rats it was shown, thatdetoxication processes activity and level of oxidative stress within chronic alcohol abuse depends on Kupfer cells functional state and nitric oxide production. Chronic alcohol intoxication causes depression of detoxication processes, increase in contentof lipid peroxidation products, NO-3/NO-2 and the activity of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase in plasma. Inhibition ofKupfer cellsactivity by gadolinium chloride reduces toxic effect of ethanol on the liver, as well as the development of typical changes in the processes of lipid peroxidation, detoxication, levels of NO-3/NO-2 in blood plasma in rats withchronic alcohol intoxication. Functional state of Kupfer cells and nitric oxide production is the factor of realization ethanol influence on detoxicationand peroxidation processes in the liver.
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