Objective of this research was assessment of the quality of life connected to a status of organs of an oral cavity, patients with zubochelyustny anomalies. The method of questioning studied quality of life of 130 patients aged from 13 up to 45 years with zubochelyustny anomalies which are partitioned into 4 groups, depending on the used medical device. Orthodontic treatment to 33 patients was carried out metal (1 group), 30 – ceramic vestibular breket-system (the 2nd group), to 32 patients – removable retentsionny devices (the 3rd group), 35 patients who didn't begin treatment the zubochelyustnykh of anomalies (the 4th group). The German version of the questionnaire of OHIP – G including 53 questions which are in seven sections was used. The first section contains 9 questions concerning the functional restrictions, the second – 9 questions of physical pain, the third – 5 questions of psychological discomfort, the fourth – 9 questions of physical disability, the fifth – 6 questions of psychological disability, the sixth – 5 questions of social disability, the seventh section contains 6 questions of existence of the partial or complete disability. Besides, the questionnaire contains four additional questions of the functional restrictions. As a result of a research it is set that the feeling of physical pain and the functional restrictions while at the persons with zubochelyustny anomalies but which aren't on treatment – psychological discomfort, the functional restrictions, psychological and physical disability exert impact on deterioration of life of the patients who are on orthodontic treatment.
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