Peculiarity ofsurgical approach in such rare complications of esophageal foreign body as tracheoesophageal fistulas (TEF) have been analyzed. It’s revealed the main role of endoscopicand X-ray methods of examination in diagnosticof esophagealforeign bodiesand TEF. Non-operative treatment of nonepithelial TEF following of esophagoscopic removal a fixed in the esophagus ofthe meatwas done definitive in 1case.Disconnection offistulasdue to a swallowed horse-chestnut andesophagostomy was done with using interposition of muscle flap between trachea and esophagus in 1 patient. Originalmethods of radicaldisconnection of the TEF following a fixed in the esophagus ofchicken’s bone and horse-chestnutwith suturing of the oesophageal defect in two layers and coloesophagoplasty and using for tracheoplasty vascularized thymic and thymopericardial flaps was done with success in 2 cases.
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