Non developing pregnancy is common gestation pathology and is 18% of spontaneous abortions in the Republic of Belarus. According to scientific data, the cause of non developing pregnancy can be a variety of genetic, anatomic, endocrine, immunological factors, and the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. The article reflects the retrospective analysis of 76 clinical records of patients with non developing pregnancy. Based on the study of records, the results of clinical and laboratory examinations as well as histological reports show that the most important risk factor for non developing pregnancy is an inflammation of the urogenital tract. It was found that the maximum infectious burden falls on the age of 20–29 years, and most frequently (in 59.2% of cases) conditionally pathogenic flora (E. Coli in 53.3% of cases, Ent Faecalis – 35.5%, St. Hemolyticus – 13.2%). Patients with non developing pregnancy in 77.6% of cases were indicated with the presence of inflammatory and infectious changes in pathological morphological study. The findings indicate the need for mandatory testing for infections of the urogenital tract and the rehabilitation of chronic inflammatory lesions in the programs of rehabilitation and pregravid training for women with non developing pregnancy.
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