Cyst of common bile duct – a congenital extension portion extrahepatic biliary tract combined with their complete segmental obstruction, the development of cholestasis, which occurs in only 2–5% of cases. Often, these cysts are combined with atresia of the bile ducts. At newborns the atresia of extra hepatic bilious channels meets in 90% of cases and is much more rare – a cyst of the holedokh. The effect of treatment depends on terms pre-and post-natal diagnostics and in due time carried out surgical treatment. Prenatal diagnosis of atresia at fetal ultrasound performed at 1 and second trimester of pregnancy. We present a clinical case of prenatal and early postnatal diagnosis of a newborn baby atresia of the extrahepatic biliary tract in the form of a cyst of common bile duct with good functional results.
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