Studying of influence like obesity at pregnant women on indicators of FVD and the course of pregnancy showed that the abdominal type of fat deposition in the 3rd trimester can be followed by restrictive violations of FVD with decrease Rovyd, ZhEL and FZhEL. In such cases are more often noted pre-eclampsia and feto-placentary insufficiency with a pre-natal hypoxia and an arrest of development of a fruit. Research objective: to study influence like obesity at pregnant women on short wind, FVD indicators, the course of pregnancy and a condition of a fruit.62 pregnant women in 1 and in 3 trimesters of pregnancy are examined. Frequency of occurrence of short wind in the III trimester of pregnancy in comparison with the I trimester increases by 75%, and its expressiveness on MRS scale – by 2,4 points. Emergence and strengthening of short wind in the III trimester are promoted by such features of a course of pregnancy as a large fruit, multiple pregnancy and abundance of water. Additional risk factors are the low growth of pregnant women and existence of obesity, especially abdominal type. According to the spirography in the III trimester of pregnancy short wind of 2–3 degrees on a scale of MRS is followed by decrease Rovyd and increase in the District Department of Internal Affairs. With a growth pregnant women is lower than 150 have some and abdominal type of obesity short wind can be followed by restrictive violations of FVD with decrease Rovyd, ZhEL and FZhEL. At women with abdominal type of obesity in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy such complications, as pre-eclampsia and feto-placentary insufficiency with a pre-natal hypoxia and an arrest of development of a fruit were more often noted.
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