The aim of this study was to estimate the morphological content of glycogen in hepatocytes of patients at different stages of alcoholic liver disease. Work performed on autopsy material and lifetime liver biopsy. Totally materials from 25 men and 22 women aged 22 to 65 years were studied. Patients were divided into 5 groups: the relative norm; patients with alcoholic steatosis; patients with alcoholic hepatitis; patients with alcoholic cirrhosis; patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, severity class «C». Common histological, special and histochemical methods were used. For morphometric evaluation of glycogen semi-quantitative method of computer analysis was used. The survey revealed that, in the initial, reversible stage of alcoholic disease (hepatic steatosis) glycogen content in hepatocytes was increased 1,34 times. At the stage of chronic alcoholic hepatitis with fibrotic changes of the liver glycogen content was not changed as compared with the stage of steatosis. In patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, it was reduced to 1,17 times, and the severity of cirrhosis of class «C» accompanied by a sharp decrease in glycogen content (to 7,88 times in comparison with the norm). Significant differences in the content of glucose in the blood serum of the patients were detected only at the stage of cirrhosis severity class «C». It was accompanied by a decrease in glucose of 1,59 times compared with the norm
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